OpenCV is a great library for doing all sorts of computer vision. It's also easy enough that you can use it for all sorts of menial tasks, like resizing images, cropping, adjusting colors, etc. And best of all, it's FAST. I have used ImageMagick in the past, and OpenCV feels a ton faster. If you want some data to support that claim, see this link.
Given that OpenCV is fast, general-purpose, and not too hard to use, I thought it would be a good topic for CSE398. Here's the tutorial I wrote.
I opted to do everything in Java, because that seemed easier than worrying about memory management. Of course, that also means it's harder to find good documentation. I ended up transliterating a lot of C++ code to show how various features work.
Since I'm not expert in Computer Vision, I wouldn't be surprised if I got some things wrong in the tutorial. Please don't hesitate to send a note if you find any errors!
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